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Exploring the Different Types of LISS Cardio for Effective Fat Loss

Low Intensity Steady State (LISS) cardio has grown in popularity as an effective and long-term method for decreasing body fat.

LISS cardio involves performing cardiovascular exercise at a low-to-moderate intensity over an extended length of time. This sort of exercise is mostly fueled by fat, making it a good alternative for people seeking to lose weight.

In this article, we'll explore the different types of LISS cardio that can help you achieve your fat loss goals.

1. Walking

Walking is probably the most accessible and beginner-friendly type of LISS cardio. It requires no specialized equipment and can be done almost anywhere. Aim at a quick pace that raises your heart rate slightly while allowing you to converse. Begin with 20–30 minute workouts and gradually increase them as your fitness improves. Walking is easy on the joints, making it ideal for people of all ages and fitness levels.

2. Cycling

Cycling, whether on a stationary bike or outside, is another great kind of low-impact cardio for fat loss. It is a low-impact workout that works your legs and core while burning a lot of calories. When riding for LISS, maintain a steady pace while keeping your heart rate in the low-to-moderate range. You can begin with 30-minute workouts and gradually extend them to 45-60 minutes as your endurance improves.

3. Swimming

Swimming is a full-body LISS cardio workout that provides a refreshing alternative to land-based activities. Water's buoyancy decreases the impact on your joints, making it an ideal choice for those who have joint problems or injuries. When swimming for LISS, have a consistent tempo and rhythm. Breaststroke and freestyle are common strokes for LISS swimming. Begin with 20–30 minute workouts and then increase them as your technique and endurance improve.

4. Elliptical Training

Elliptical machines offer a low-impact LISS cardio workout that incorporates walking, running, and stair climbing. They provide a smooth, gliding action that reduces stress on your joints. When utilizing an elliptical for LISS, aim for a steady speed and a constant amount of resistance. Begin with 30-minute workouts and proceed to longer ones as your fitness improves. Elliptical training is an excellent option for people seeking a low-impact, full-body workout.

5. Incline Walking

Inclie walking is a type of traditional walking that incorporates walking on an incline, such as a treadmill or hilly terrain. The increased resistance from the slope improves the intensity of the workout, resulting in more calorie burn and fat reduction. When incline walking for LISS, aim for a moderate elevation and a consistent pace. Begin with 20-30 minute sessions, gradually increasing the duration and incline as your fitness improves.


LISS cardio is a tried-and-true method for losing body fat. By adding various types of LISS cardio into your exercise regimen, you can add variety, avoid boredom, and target different muscle regions. Whether you enjoy walking, cycling, swimming, elliptical training, or incline walking, there is a LISS cardio choice that will help you lose weight.

Remember, consistency is key when it comes to LISS cardio. Aim for at least three or four LISS workouts per week, gradually increasing the duration and intensity as your fitness improves. For best fat reduction outcomes, combine LISS cardio with a well-balanced diet and weight training.

Embrace the benefits of LISS cardio and enjoy the path to becoming a slimmer, healthier, and more confident version of yourself. Get active, be consistent, and see your unwanted fat melt away!

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